Open Access

Self-publishing of a collaborative scientific book

I very modestly contributed (by providing the cover photo free of charge) to a collaborative scientific work edited by my best friend (and two of these colleagues); that of course concerns her area of expertise (phylogenetics) and the joyful particularity of this work is that it did without a ‘classic’ scientific editor; it is therefore […]


Writing history of my first article

Thus, 6 years will have passed between the idea of exploring the possible link between Zeno’s paradoxes and thermal motion and the final acceptance of the article resulting from this idea. It’s certainly rather long, but it should be remembered that I was starting from almost nothing (i.e. that I had a big bibliographical research […]


My current research project and my approach

In one sentence: First, make ‘fictional’ epistemology in order to propose, in a second time, new unexpected basics for fundamental/theoretical physics. In a little more detail: My current research project in epistemology is based on the following working hypothesis: Could the problems encountered by current fundamental/theoretical physics have their origin in implicit (or ‘forgotten’) assumptions […]

Oral communication

“Illusion and Disillusionment” Study Day

UPDATE 05/05/20 : the scientific events being cancelled “until further notice” at the Sorbonne, this study day is also cancelled My participation proposal was selected for the “Illusion and Disillusionment” Study Day on June 16, 2020 organized by the Philo’Doctes association more info here (french) : and there : Source of illustration image: […]

Project of paper

History of mathematics and Zeno’s paradoxes

Draft article in response to the article “When Science Confronts Philosophy: Three Case Studies” by Eric Dietrich: It seems to me that including the case of the paradoxes of Zeno is not really wise compared to my own work (which E. Dietrich does not seem to have read) Connections between mathematics and the paradoxes […]

Oral communication

HiPhiS 2020 Seminar – Montpellier

I am happy to have had the opportunity to present part of my research work during the conference on March 3 of the HiPhiS 2020 seminar cycle more info here (french) : The main content of this presentation comes largely from my first article (Foundations of Science 2018) to which was added results from […]

Academic activities

ARTICLE: Why Zeno’s Paradoxes of Motion are Actually About Immobility

The logical solution of Zeno’s paradoxes of motion The results of my work concerning the famous paradoxes of Zeno of Elea, where I conclude that they are in reality paradoxes of immobility! Why Zeno’s Paradoxes of Motion are Actually About Immobility. Foundations of Science, 2018, 23 (4), pp.649-679. ⟨10.1007/s10699-017-9544-9⟩ Published on-line on Nov. 8th 2017 […]