A new interpretation, closer to the original Greek text, of the ‘Flying Arrow’ argument will be proposed. The complex dialectic formed by the 4 arguments concerning motion will be exposed. Source of illustration image: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z%C3%A9non_d%27%C3%89l%C3%A9e#/media/Fichier:Zeno_of_Elea_Tibaldi_or_Carducci_Escorial.jpg
Tag: Mathematics
Draft article in response to the article “When Science Confronts Philosophy: Three Case Studies” by Eric Dietrich: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10516-019-09472-9. It seems to me that including the case of the paradoxes of Zeno is not really wise compared to my own work (which E. Dietrich does not seem to have read) Connections between mathematics and the paradoxes […]